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- Visão | Metalúrgica SS
Ser uma empresa reconhecida pela qualidade, responsabilidade social e lucratividade. Vision To be a company recognized for quality, social responsibility and profitability. Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Sustainability | Metalúrgica SS
Sustainability Metalúrgica SS thinks about the sustainability of the planet. - Community Contributions METALÚRGICA SS is an activist for the important causes of the communities in which it operates, not admitting omission in matters of relevance and respecting recognized cultural, religious and political values. Volunteer work in social, cultural and community actions is valued by METALÚRGICA SS, as it is a form of personal development, in addition to adding value to the company and the community. Partnerships in the social field that could influence and/or compromise professional and commercial relationships with the company should not be accepted. Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Qualidade | Metalúrgica SS
Contamos com laboratório próprio, equipado com Tridimensional CNC, Perfilômetro, Projetor de Perfil, Rugosímetro, entre outros equipamentos para realização de ensaios e medições, garantindo assim, qualidade e segurança, aos nossos clientes. Quality We have our own laboratory, equipped with a three-dimensional CNC, Profilemeter, Profile Projector, Rugosimeter, among other equipment for carrying out tests and measurements, thus ensuring quality and safety for our customers. CNC three-dimensional Hexagon Optical 430 VM optical measuring machine HAFNER CV120 Profilemeter Zeiss Duramax Projetor Mitutoyo Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Clientes | Metalúrgica SS
Confira a relação de alguns clientes da Metalúrgica SS. Customers Check out the list of some Metalúrgica SS customers: Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Corporate | Metalúrgica SS
corporate Na Metalúrgica SS, estamos comprometidos com a excelência em todos os aspectos do nosso negócio, desde a qualidade dos nossos produtos até o impacto ambiental das nossas operações. É por isso que investimos em obter as mais altas certificações, cumprir rigorosamente as normas e regulamentações e implementar práticas sustentáveis em toda a nossa cadeia de valor. Certificações Compliance Licenças Sustentabilidade Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Certifications | Metalúrgica SS
ISO9001 Download Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Equipamentos | Metalúrgica SS
Nossos processos incluem, fornecimento de peças usinadas, estampadas, forjadas, componentes e conjuntos montados, soldados, com tratamentos térmico e superficial, inclusive processos de pintura líquida e a pó. Equipment Request Quote Our processes include the supply of machined, stamped, forged parts, components and assemblies assembled, welded, with heat and surface treatments, including liquid and powder painting processes. Machining Centers High performance and productivity Machining Centers, with Double Pallet and equipped with 4th and 5th, Axes, Probe e Renishaw Tool Pre-Set, ensuring productivity in multiple processes with just one fixture ensuring greater repeatability and quality. See Equipment CNC lathes Lathes equipped with Bar Feeders, for greater raw material utilization, Axial Tools, Driven Radials and Double Spindle. See Equipment applications Specialized in production machining for various industry segments, such as: metallurgy, automotive, petroleum, electrical, military, elevators, agricultural, electronics, refrigeration, hydraulic, pneumatic, automation, rotational molding, elevators, among others. Agricultural automotive elevators Automation Energy trucks rotational molding Oil and gas Contact and Location Rua Santo Agostinho, 860 - Bairro São Miguel - São Leopoldo/RS - Zip code 93025-700 (51) 3588 - 1818
- Cases | Metalúrgica SS
cases Page under Maintenance